For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, and I'm so tired today my legs are aching (why is it always my legs?). I skipped lunch again to get some last-minute planning done even though I've already lost enough weight that I'm skinnier than I've been since I was in college, and I'm on the verge of having to buy new pants because nothing fits anymore. I've been working on atomic orbitals and electron configurations with my chem classes now for almost a week and they're still really struggling with it. My grades are due Friday and I'll probably be up half the night Thursday night to finish. But then today I got back my formal, written evaluation from my presentation last week, and my principal ended the letter by saying that she was lucky to have found me, and that I'm off to a great start in my teaching career. Which makes it a little easier to pop some ibuprofen, carb-load and work on into the night.
I might just start living on protein smoothies and caffeine.
i think i've eaten lunch maybe ten times in total since i started teaching last year. unfortunately it's not doing a thing for my waistline:)
great job with the eval! it's so nice to be appreciated.
thanks! I have a pretty high metabolism, and until the past couple of years I was borderline hypoglycemic so this is the first time I've ever habitually skipped meals. I'm definitely skinnier than I want to be :(.
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